Advanced BBSafe®

Original price was: 750,00 €.Current price is: 675,00 €.

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Detects the probability of chromosomal abnormalities that your baby may have without any risk to you or him.


What is BBSafe®?

It is the most reliable, non-invasive prenatal genetic screening test on the market.

During pregnancy, various risks may arise related to the genetic evolution of the fetus and the health of the mother that can affect the correct development of the baby. It is important to carry out various tests and controls that allow us to guarantee the health of the baby and the peace of mind of the mother.

With our BBSafe® Test we detect the risk of suffering from different genetic anomalies by studying the fetal DNA present in the mother’s blood.

Our study can be carried out from week 10 of pregnancy (12 in twin pregnancies).

What does Advanced BBSafe® include?

o Patau syndrome (trisomy chromosome 13)
o Edwards syndrome (trisomy chromosome 18)
o Down syndrome (trisomy chromosome 21)
o Turner syndrome, Klinefelter XYY and triple X (sex chromosome aneuploidies)
o Fetal sex (optional)
o Trisomies on chromosomes 9, 15, 16 and 22
o Cri-du-chat syndrome (Sp)
o 1p36 deletion syndrome
o 2q33.1 microdeletion syndrome
o Van der Woude syndrome 1q32-q41
o DiGeorge Syndrome 2 10p14-p13
o Jacobsen syndrome (11q deletion)
o 16p12.2-p11.2 microdeletion syndrome
o Autosomal trisomies on all chromosomes



Extraction of maternal blood without risk to the baby.

In maternal blood we find fetal DNA in suspension.

We perform a comprehensive analysis of this fetal DNA.

We prepare a personalized report indicating the risk of suffering different anomalies.