Advanced STD study


With our study of sexually transmitted diseases we can detect if you suffer from any STD among those studied in order to treat it and avoid future infections.

Also available in a GIFT BOX.


What are STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are spread primarily through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Some infections can also be transmitted by other routes such as through blood or from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million people contract an STD every day worldwide. Early detection of these diseases is of utmost importance because, in the long term, they can cause serious complications for the person who suffers from them.

STDs are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites and the most common are chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, HIV and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection.

What does the report include?

The study analyzes the most common sexually transmitted diseases to detect the presence of any of them. The diseases analyzed are the following:

  • HIV

Who is it for?

Since STDs do not always cause symptoms, you can get or spread an infection even if you appear healthy. Although anyone who is sexually active can contract an STD, this study is recommended primarily for those who fall into one of the following categories:

  • Individuals who want to know their current sexual health status and exercise preventive action against contracting STDs.
  • All those who have been exposed to a risky contact such as vaginal, anal or oral sexual contact.
  • Sexually active men and women who have unprotected sex and are not in monogamous relationships.
  • People with HIV, as they are at increased risk of contracting another STD.
  • People who use injectable drugs are recommended to be tested regularly.


Urine sample in sterile container and blood sample.

Receipt and analysis of the sample in our laboratory.

Report delivery within 4 working days.

For further clarification, your physician will explain the results.


The results of the test will determine if you have any STD among those studied in order to start with the appropriate treatment according to the indications of the medical specialist. We can prevent possible diseases and avoid contagion.

STDs affect millions of people, and most people in the world contract an STD at least once in their lifetime. If you contract an STD, it is important that you follow your doctor’s instructions and prescribed medication to the letter.

It is also very important that you tell your partner or other person with whom you have had sex so that you can be tested and receive the appropriate treatment, if needed, to prevent future infections.

How does it work?

Choose to take care of yourself.

Pay securely.

Go to a Cerba center.

Check your results online.